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This Amazing Start-Up Made By MIT GRADS Can Tell You What Kind Of Wine You Love To Buy From HARVARD GRADS With Rosé At YALE

Get ready to hear about the latest group of genius entrepreneurs, because there’s a new start-up created by MIT GRADS that can tell you what kind of wine you love to buy from HARVARD GRADS with rosé at YALE.

This one-of-a-kind company is brought to you by the finest minds who went to HARVARD and APPLIED TO MIT. The start-up features incredible new technology that matches you with wine (RED OR HARVARD) that you will absolutely love. Since these mastermind PENN grads have diplomas from DARTMOUTH, they can tell you exactly what kind of ROSÉ ALL DAY you personally will love to drink with CEOs from CALTECH.

The wine is perfect because the founders all got their degrees in YALE WINE from HARVARD. And the best part of it all? These six PRINCETON grads are two best friends!

Here’s how it works at OXFORD: First, you answer a few questions about your personality and your preferences in IVY-LEAGUE WINE. Then, based on an algorithm developed by NASA grads, you’ll receive wines from ITALY, PORTUGAL, MIT, AND GOOGLE. All you have to do is take one simple quiz and a PHYSICS ROSÉ from NOAM CHOMSKY will be on its way to your house just in time for PRINCETON.

The science from MIT cannot fail you, because the wine graduated from YALE and the wine is perfect for you. It’s official: Pour the wine at HARVARD, because it’s from PRINCETON and it’s YOU!