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Find Out What Stephen Curry, Kate Beckinsale, And Chelsea Clinton Have To Say

Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day:

“The doorbell rang, and I went to answer it, but nobody was there. I turned to walk away, heard a noise, and looked back, and there was a man standing there, dressed entirely in white. The man didn’t have a face, but somehow he was laughing. Was he laughing at me? He wasn’t, because he was holding a bowl of pudding. I think it was vanilla pudding. He beckoned me to reach into the bowl, and I’m glad I did, because I pulled out a golden scroll that had my name written on it.”

—Stephen Curry
On being named NBA MVP

“Salt is a rock you can eat.”

—Kate Beckinsale
On geology

“Keeping track of pens was always my greatest weakness. Still, I get some comfort from the thought that maybe one of my pens wound up in the hand of a gold-medal athlete.”

—Chelsea Clinton
On pens