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Find Out What Eiza González, Miles Teller, And Kenny Loggins Have To Say

Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day:

“I like to just blurt out, ‘What’s your favorite kind of extract? You have two seconds to answer.’ Everyone invariably answers ‘vanilla,’ but it gets a conversation going about extracts.”

—Eiza González
On first dates

“Showbiz can be tough, but basically every opportunity I’ve gotten came from showing up with a smile on my face and a roast turkey tucked under my arm, plus enough knives, forks, and china for everyone to have a slice.”

—Miles Teller
On showbiz

“A lot of people hear someone say ‘Shiver me timbers’ without stopping to take the time to deconstruct the meaning behind it. Think about it: ‘Shiver’ means to shake, ‘timbers’ means trees, and ‘me’ means my. So basically they’re asking for someone to shake their trees. But does anyone ever actually do it? I fear I may be the only one.”

—Kenny Loggins