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Cream Of The Crop: Here Is Truly A Rare Selection Of Choice Hedgehogs

Ah, looks like we’ve got a true connoisseur in our midst!

To the layman, this totally adorable hedgehog is nothing special, but to those who recognize its particular delicacy, it’s quite a treat indeed!

Isn’t this hedgehog a feast for the senses? It’s so refreshing to share it with someone who has a real appreciation for life’s finer things.

You could grow old and gray trying to assemble a hedgehog cache as exquisite as we have here, but luckily you needn’t move a finger to gaze upon these decadent little munchkins.

Of course, if the particular qualities of these hedgehogs are simply going right over your head, you’re welcome to rejoin the masses in our regular selection.

This hedgehog we’ve reserved explicitly for a special occasion, but to hell with it: If your presence doesn’t merit celebration, nothing does.

A rare pleasure indeed, to rub elbows with another of such lofty tastes. You are always welcome here.